
H Y D R A Line + Exhibition at BABYLON SHOWROOM

Babylon Showroom presents H Y D R A - Sartorial Latex, showing for three days from May 5-7 2017, with launch event on Friday May 5th . This special guest-showroom exhibition will show H Y D R A’ s latest line and a video installation.
For one weekend only.
中目黒のBabylon Showroom officeにて、2017年5月5日―7日の3日間限定の展示会を開催致します。
展示会では過去のコレクションアーカイブから今シーズンの最新アイテムと共に H Y D R A によるビデオインスタレーションも行います。

About H Y D R A :
The H Y D R A project was launched in November 2015 at TANK magazine - London, and continues to connect, reconnect, collaborate, morph, in order to extend itself through different spatial and contextual opportunities.
H Y D R A は2015年11月27日にTANKmagazine-Londonとのコラボレーションをきかっけに設立したファッションブランドです。

H Y D R A designs sit in a space between biotechnology and fashion; pieces that can redefine and reorganise bodies, both individually and in engagement with each other. HYDRA challenges how clothing, designs, objects are selected and engaged with, and the underlying ideologies and social practices that are reinforced in doing so.
H Y D R A is invested maintaining responsibility for how its intent is carried out through its products. Engaging in a more social-cultural practice, that anchors its affect and influence through/within actual use, and how it releases, restricts, or guides the movements of the user.

H Y D R A ’s pieces are ‘birthed’ from the H Y D R A lab, and exploring ways in which the human/body/image can be more quickly and efficiently redesigned, by plugging it into auxiliaries: clothing, objects, technologies. Forming new skins that can hold bodies together,against human chaos and social fragmentation’. While perhaps also questioning: where are the boundaries between bodies or between actions. Moving past concern with what is acceptable in fashion, to explore what is possible in reality.

H Y D R A’ s
mutations and collaborations with other organisations, spaces, bodies etc. allow it to extend its reach and impact even further. Human test subjects are incorporated into the production process through the H Y D R A beta testing program,  beyond the basic production-purchase-wear process of fashion brands.
The use of the product by the test subjects incorporated into the research and development.
The products develop through direct contact with the bodies and practices onto which they will be transplanted.

Previous collaborations include HIGHER, FUTURE ARTEFACTS, SHOW STUDIO, MABEL x TATE Modern.

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